SOPP540: I almost fell asleep practicing BWV 659

Published: Jan. 9, 2020, midnight

b"This question was sent by May. She\\u2019s our Total Organist student. And she writes,\\n \\nThanks Vidas. We just returned from a 2-week Europe trip yesterday. Now I almost fall asleep (because of the jetlag) practicing BWV 659 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland as the prelude for tomorrow. I should be very comfortable with this piece for I played it quite a few times at the Church in the past Advents. However, I am now very nervous about my ability of getting everything right tomorrow. I haven't practiced for 2 weeks and I am very tired. What is your advice on how I should proceed with my practice in the remaining hours of today? It is 4:05 pm here in Eastern Canada now. \\n \\nMay \\n \\nAnd I wrote to her: Thanks May! It's 11:31 PM here in Vilnius and going to bed. So I'm keeping this message short:\\n \\nGo to sleep first. No use of practicing when you're exhausted. Then if you have time to practice BWV 659 do that. If not, play tomorrow several verses of the same hymn tune instead on different registration.\\n \\n1. Principal 8'\\n2. Cornet in the soprano, alto and tenor on the flutes in the left hand. Pedal with 16' and 8'.\\n3. Principals 8' and 4'\\netc.\\n \\nOff to bed now.\\nHope this helps,\\nVidas\\n \\nAnd she wrote to me her answer:\\n \\nMay: Thanks Vidas for replying to my email late in the night. My biological clock was also like in your time zone when I composed this email yesterday :) I did practice until 10 pm last night. Good that I didn't feel as tired this morning. We didn't have that many people attending the morning service because of a winter storm in our area. I did play BWV 659 as a postlude in a very relaxed manner for I saw and I thought many people had left. Actually many did stay and listen to my playing. I was not aware of their presence until they applauded at the end. This turned out to be my best performance of BWV 659 and it was a pleasant surprise. Perhaps psychology plays a significant role in terms of the result of a performance. It is also the biggest obstacle to overcome. How could I perform in public without being nervous? That always the biggest issue.\\n \\nThanks again Vidas for your advice.\\n \\nMay"