You can't raise your prices and you can't reduce expenses so what can you do? Giving birth at 100km/h? Should garbage cans be in drive-throughs? How is your happiness related to your time in front of screens?

Published: Jan. 24, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

b"Most people are seeing the raise in the minimum wage as something that businesses can combat with either higher prices or lowered expenses but what do you do when your business can't raise its prices and isn't able to lower its expenses?\\n\\nGuest: Calvin Cain, Hamilton regional director for Ontario Homes for Special Needs Association-Birth is a stressful experience for everyone involved but imagine doing it while on the highway at 100km/h! What do you do if your wife starts giving birth on the way to the hospital instead of in it?\\n\\nGuest: Joe Rand, Husband to Heidi Rand-Littering is something that happens everywhere and it's argued that more garbage cans equals less litter but is this really the case? Should businesses with drive-throughs be mandated to have garbage cans and recycling bins actually in the drive-throughs?-A study has shown that the time you're exposed to screens is directly related to your happiness. Could being hyper-connected with the internet do the exact opposite socially?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Jean Twenge, Author of iGen"