Would #SewerGate have changed Hamilton City Council? Does grammar still matter? And Russia gets into trouble for doping...again

Published: Dec. 5, 2019, 1:32 a.m.

b'Vito Sqro talks with Scott about how different Hamilton City Council may have turned out, in light of the #SewerGate fallout.\\n\\nThe Apostrophe Protection Society has thrown in the towel, and now Scott wonders about what grammar lessons are being taught to the children of today. Dr. Paul Budra head of publications at Simon Fraser University waxes poetic with Scott about the state of education.\\n\\nRussia is in the spotlight again for doping infractions ahead of the 2020 Olympics. Beckie Scott, Olympic silver and gold medalist and chair member of the World Anti Doping Agency, elucidates her own history with the Russians.'