Will bricks start falling from the Hamilton Convention Centre? Should players from the steroid era be inducted into the Hall of Fame? Would you pay full price to only see part of the original band and some replacements?

Published: Nov. 23, 2017, 3:34 a.m.

b"There are buildings in our city that are going to start falling apart quite literally. If nothing is done to fix the Hamilton Convention Centre, bricks will start falling off its walls! Elevators and escalators at FirstOntario Centre are in need of repair but the repairs for these buildings will cost millions of dollars. When the current budget for these repairs is only about $800,000, what should be done?\\n\\nGuest: Larry Di Ianni, Former Hamilton Mayor & Politician-There was a time during baseball when it seemed like there were more people who were on performance enhancing drugs than were not. At the time, it wasn't illegal to be taking those drugs but the ethics side of this still stands. Should a player from the steroids era still be allowed into the Baseball Hall of Fame?\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH-When you pay to see a band live, you expect to see the whole group but if they have a replacement member, are you really seeing the band? Is a band still a band so long as there is an original member? Sometimes the replacement member is better than the original member but that doesn't mean that you're seeing the actual band. Would you pay full price to see part of the original band and some replacements?\\n\\nGuest: Lana Pavlovic, Evening Host at 95.3 Fresh Radio"