Will a Grey Cup be coming to Hamilton? Why are people are upset with Bryan Cranston playing someone with quadriplegia? & Should the CFL be proud to lose players to the NFL?

Published: Jan. 11, 2019, 3:07 a.m.

b'Councillor Jason Farr talks with Scott Radley about the support Hamilton City Council could offer to a Grey Cup bid. The big question is, how likely is City Council willing to help?\\n\\nGuest: Ward 2 COuncillor Jason Far\\n\\n-\\n\\nPaul Ford is an actor with a physical disability, and an advocate for disabled actors. He joins Scott to discuss the controversy surrounding Brian Cranston\\u2019s performance as a man with quadriplegia, in the new film \\u2018The Upside.\\u2019\\n\\nGuest: Paul Ford, Actor and Advocate\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe CFL has recently lost players to the NFL, and some are seeing this as a badge of honour. But is it ultimately good or bad for the league? Rick Zamperin breaks this down with Scott. And they also discuss dubious choices for dinner.\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, News and Senior Sports Director with 900 CHML Globale News Radio, host of the 5th Quarter Podcast'