Why is the government's debt is your problem too? Should a law be passed disallowing provincial and federal governments to run deficits just like municipal governments? Why don't star players usually get the same punishment as regular players?

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 1:35 a.m.

b"You owe more than you think. That's what GenerationScrewed.ca is trying to say as the federal and provincial governments keep tacking more and more on to the amount of debt Canadians are paying for. How much longer can we go on for until people realize this problem?\\n\\nGuest: Kris Rondolo, Executive Director of GenerationScrewed.ca\\n\\n-\\n\\nMunicipal governments are legally disallowed to run a deficit and that's why you'll likely be paying more taxes this year whereas the federal government and provincial government can run a budget that's balanced, a deficit or a surplus. Should we force the provincial and federal governments to balance the budget by law?\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe often hear that we don't want people to cheat in sports but that never seems to be the case when a star player gets caught for something. This issue and more are discussed when Bubba O'Neil joins Scott to talk about everything going on in the sports world.\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH"