Why is COVID-19 sneaking back into headlines? Why does it seem like there are no popular Canadian TV shows?

Published: Nov. 11, 2021, 4 a.m.

b"COVID-19 has found a way back into the headlines as case counts start to rise once again and questions surrounding whether or not we're nearing the end of the 4th wave start getting asked.\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Karen Mossman, Professor, Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine & Vice-President of Research, McMaster University\\n\\n-\\n\\nIt's no secret that there's a lot of great TV out there to watch but for some reason there doesn't seem to be any Canadian original shows that are gaining much popularity. Is this just a matter of them not getting popular around here or is there no appetite for what Canada has to offer?\\n\\nGuest: Bill Brioux, TV blogger, brioux.tv"