Why have voters forgotten how to accept a loss? What is the Save The Mothers organization & how can we help it? And Bubba ONeil talks Ticats, golf & more

Published: June 15, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

b'The Scott Radley Show Podcast\\n\\nScott breaks down the potential danger behind hashtags like \\u201c#NotMyPremier\\u201d and \\u201c#NotMyPresident,\\u201d and the attitudes that lead to their creation.\\n\\n-\\n\\nSave the Mothers is an international organization working to improve the health of mothers and babies in developing countries. While in Uganda, Scott was able to see some of what STM has accomplished and learned how he and others can help.\\n\\nGuest:\\xa0 Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese, M.D., Founder of Save the Mothers\\n\\n-\\n\\nBubba O\\u2019Neil joins Scott to discuss the U.S. Open and debate what will happen in the Ticats upcoming season.\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O\\u2019Neil, Sports anchor for CHCH News'