Why don't we care more about school board trustee candidates? Should historical figures be critiqued through a modern lens? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: Oct. 10, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

b'Most people have no idea who is running for school board trustee in their wards; in fact, most people don\'t even know what a trustee actually does. So how are people expected to vote for a trustee in the upcoming municipal election? And why don\'t we care more, seeing as how they\'re charged with enormous responsibility?Guest: Annie Kidder,\\xa0Executive Director and one of the founders of People for Education-American astronaut Scott Kelly recently posted the following tweet: "One of the greatest leaders of modern times, Sir Winston Churchill said, \\u201cin victory, magnanimity.\\u201d I guess those days are over."Some critics on Twitter were quick to attack Kelly and inform him that Churchill may have had some inspirational quotes, but he also made some comments that certainly do not age well. He then took to Twitter again to apologize and explain what he meant to say, and promised to learn more about the darker side of Churchill\'s legacy.Scott takes a moment to rant about why we shouldn\'t judge historical figures through the same lens that we use on people nowadays.-Scott is joined by Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys for a post-Thanksgiving sports chat, where they discuss the drama at UFC 229 between Conor McGregor and\\xa0Khabib Nurmagomedov and the NHL\'s decision to reduce the size of goalie equipment to increase the amount of goals during games.'