Why does the list of essentials keep growing and how will the government pay for it all? Is social media supposed to be addictive? What happens if you ask Siri weird questions?

Published: Sept. 17, 2020, 1:56 a.m.

b'Nearly everything is being deemed essential and as such, the government is going to have to find a way to pay for it all. What has been considered essential and how will we manage to pay for it all?\\n\\nGuest: Stephen LeDrew, political commentator and former president of the Liberal Party of Canada\\n\\n-\\n\\nIs social media programmed to addict you to it? Can it change the way to act or think about different topics? A new documentary is saying yes to both of those questions and more. What is wrong with social media and how should you go about changing the way you, or your kids, use it?\\n\\nGuest: Wade Sorochan, one of Canada\'s leading social media addiction experts & author of "Unsocial Media: Virtual World Causing Real World Anxiety"\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhen you ask Siri to do something and it gets done so quickly, it feels like magic but what happens when you ask Siri something on the weirder side? Scott and Ben ask the program to get some answers... some of them make sense, others less so.\\n\\nGuest: Siri, AI assistant'