Why does Hamilton produce great bobsleigh athletes? What's happening to a kid that went almost twice the speed limit on the Red Hill? Sorry, when will Elton John retire from touring? The Baseball Hall of Fame's induction process is broken!

Published: Jan. 25, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

b'While Hamilton has "the mountain", it\'s not really a mountain and is much less one that allows for bobsleigh events to take place. So then how can it be that Hamilton has spawned so many bobsleigh athletes? How did a Hamiltonian and newly minted Olympic athlete get into bobsleigh?\\n\\nGuest: Nick Poloniato,\\xa0Canadian National Bobsleigh Team Pilot-A kid was busted for going almost twice the speed limit on the Red Hill Parkway and now people are saying that we should fix the Red Hill so this can\'t happen. Why are we trying to make a world where no one is responsible for their own actions and nearly everything that happens is someone else\'s fault?-Elton John said that he will be retiring from touring with the intention of focusing his time and attention on his kids but there\'s one small catch to this announcment, he\'s doing it all in three years! Why would he announce that he\'ll be retiring from touring in three years?-There are many flaws in the induction process required for a baseball player to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. An even bigger issue than these flaws is the fact that no one is doing anything to fix them!\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at Global News Radio 900 CHML'