Why did the feds give out so many bonuses to executives over the pandemic? How might Europe's power problems impact Canada? & What's the greatest moment in Canadian sports history?

Published: Sept. 28, 2022, 3:47 a.m.

b"Lots and lots of bonuses were given out to government executives even during the pandemic and yet the reasons for those bonuses are so flimsy! Bonuses are supposed to be given out for performance that is above and beyond what's expected, did the bare minimum even get achieved? What kind of message does this send to the public?\\nGuest: Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation\\n-\\nMany European countries have some major questions that will need answers as the weather gets colder and their main source of energy runs dry thanks to a gamble that was placed on Russian oil. While this may seem like an issue that would affect European countries, the world economy is tied together which means we could be impacted too. What would that look like and how severe could it be?\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor of Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics, Implications of Monetary Growth, Toronto Metropolitan University\\n-\\nAs we near the 50th anniversary of Paul Henderson's goal during the 1972 Summit Series, Scott has started to wonder, what is the greatest moment in Canadian sports history?\\nGuest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Commentator, NFL Chain Gang Member & VP, Fluke Transportation Group"