Why did drones attack Saudi Arabian oil fields? How do you govern a country when half of it thinks you're evil? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: Sept. 17, 2019, 1:56 a.m.

b"Unmanned drones strikes in Saudi Arabia have set a couple oil fields ablaze. Who sent these drones and how has it driven the price of oil up around the world?\\n\\nGuest: Marvin Ryder, Associate Professor of Marketing at the DeGroote School of Business\\n\\n-\\n\\nThis election is shaping up to be a nasty one that's filled with name calling and attacks on the politician, not their policies. How does one go about governing a country that has half of it's population believing you're evil?\\n\\nGuest: Tim Harper, former Toronto Star columnist\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhat should be done with athletes who are accused of committing crimes? Scott and Don Robertson tackle that question and more in Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys"