Why did Damar Hamlin collapse during an NFL game? What makes people choose divorce nowadays? & What was playing against Pele like?

Published: Jan. 4, 2023, 5:14 a.m.

b"One of the big sports stories that's circulating right now is Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin's collapse and subsequent hospitalization following a tackle mid-game. What happened to him and could it happen to athletes in other sports too?\\nGuest: Dr. David Levy, Sports Medicine Practitioner; Team Physician for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats for 35 years, the Toronto Rock since inception, McMaster University and Mohawk College varsity teams for over 30 years; Medical Staff for the Hamilton Bulldogs; Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame Inductee\\n-\\nToday sees a major spike in divorce filings but why is that? Why are people choosing divorce nowadays and how much does it cost for each side to go through the process?\\nGuest: Tracy Miller, Family Lawyer; Co-Host, Divorce Solutions Podcast\\n-\\nPel\\xe9 is a soccer player who did more than just play the beautiful game, he sparked a love for the sport of soccer in many people's hearts. Now that he's died, people are looking back on his legacy and many achievements. While some remember seeing him on their TV, a Hamilton man is remembering what it was like playing against him. Was it intimidating? Exciting? An opportunity to get an autograph right there on the pitch?\\nGuest: John McGrane, Former Canadian Men\\u2019s Soccer Player, Member of the Canadian & Hamilton Soccer Halls of Fame and the Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame"