Why did City Council's budget almost get rejected? Why are more students getting suspended? & Could this be the year the Blue Jays win the World Series?

Published: March 30, 2023, 1:29 a.m.

b'Hamilton almost had a pretty monumental event occur at City Hall as Council\'s budget nearly didn\'t pass. In fact, it wouldn\'t have passed if only a few votes went the other way. What swayed their votes?\\nGuest: John Paul Danko, Ward 8 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n-\\nWhat is with the increase in the number of suspensions at our schools? Are the assaults, weapons, hate and more indicative of something larger going on?\\nGuest: Dr. Paul Bennett, Founding Director & Lead Consultant, Schoolhouse Consulting and Author, "The State of the System" & Educhatter blog\\n-\\nTomorrow marks the start of the baseball season for the Toronto Blue Jays. What are the chances that this year might be the year they go all the way and win the World Series?\\nGuest: Mike Wilner, Baseball Columnist with the Toronto Star & Host of the Deep LF Podcast'