Who will pay if the LRT goes over budget? Is naming people charged with impaired driving a good idea? How did Troy Tulowitzki manage to get $38 million from the Blue Jays for the next 2 years?

Published: Dec. 12, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

b"We keep hearing that the LRT will be a $1 billion project but how many times do government projects go over budget? If that does end up happening, who's going to be forking over the extra cash? Scott opens up the phone lines to find out what you think would happen if this happens.\\n\\n-\\n\\nYork Regional Police have suggested a way to deter people from choosing to drink and drive, naming everyone charged with impaired driving-related charges. Do you think that doing this would be a breach of privacy? What should be done if the person is found not-guilty? Scott turns to you for your thoughts on if they should be doing this.\\n\\n-\\n\\n$38 million dollars is an outstanding amount of money. To be getting it over 2 years would be great but how could the deal get even sweeter? Not having to do anything for it! That's the reality for the Toronto Blue Jays' former shortstop Troy Tulowitzki. Scott catches up with Bubba O'Neil to find out what he thinks of the situation.\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH"