Who should pay for Tim Hortons Field's repairs? Should we start considering Kyle Lowry one of Toronto's greatest athletes? Should AI that writes like humans excite or worry us?

Published: Sept. 11, 2020, 2:36 a.m.

b"Tim Hortons Field needs some work done to keep it safe to attend but with a price tag around $1 million, who should be on the hook to pay it?\\n\\nGuest: Lloyd Ferguson, Ward 12 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nToronto's sports teams have had amazing players over the years. Is it time we start introducing Kyle Lowry to the other all-time greats?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Sports Director, Global News Radio 900 CHML\\n\\n-\\n\\nRobots come in peace! Or at least that's what they're telling us. As AI adapts and grows to now be able to write in a way that mimics the style of different writers, could we see the end of professional writing and author? Should we be alarmed or excited by this?\\n\\nGuest: Fiona McEvoy, AI Ethics Writer, Researcher, Speaker, and thought leader based in San Francisco"