Who or what should be blamed for the murder of a 14-year-old Hamiltonian? Is there a change to the link between red meat and heart disease? Should we vote for MPs who can get ridings money or MPs we believe in?

Published: Oct. 9, 2019, 1:22 a.m.

b"After hearing of a 14-year-old boy being murdered in Hamilton just off his school's grounds, blame is starting to be assigned and it's looking like the blame this time is falling on bullying. Should it be or should the blame be placed on the perpetrators and the perpetrators alone?\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe've often heard about the link between red meat and cancer/cardiovascular disease. A new study has found some evidence that might change that.\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Gordon Guyatt, Professor and Researcher at McMaster University and Canada's 2013 Health Researcher of the Year\\n\\n-\\n\\nShould we be voting for local MPs who are members of the party likely to be in government so our ridings get money or should we vote for the MPs whose principles we believe in? Hamilton Centre has chosen the latter for many elections and as such is the third poorest riding in Canada. Should voters change their tune?"