Who can we expect to run for Mayor of Hamilton? How will the new quadmester system work in school? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: May 18, 2021, 2:42 a.m.

b"Bob Bratina has announced that he won't be running for his seat in the House of Commons in the next election and with a mayoral race not far off in the distance, questions about if he'll run in it or not are starting to crop up. Who else has been tagged as being likely to run for the Mayor of Hamilton?\\n\\nGuest: Bill Kelly, Host, The Bill Kelly Show, Global News Radio 900 CHML\\n\\n-\\n\\nQuadmester is the word of the day for Hamilton and Toronto's school boards. What would this new format of dividing up the school day mean for students and teachers as well as the curricula?\\n\\nGuest: Vanessa Vakharia, Founder & CEO of The Math Guru\\n\\n-\\n\\nAthletes often say that the fans and crowd noises don't influence how they play but we'll be getting a chance to see if that's actually the case as American and Canadian hockey teams play their playoff games with very different amounts of fans in the stands. Despite being a team that has many of the traits that make for a high grossing team in terms of fan base, the Toronto Blue Jays only seem to garner attention when they're winning or scoring big, why is that? Scott and Don discuss these and more in this week's edition of Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty"