Which food best represents the city of Hamilton? This is the 10th Anniversary of Hamilton's Calder Cup Win. And should politicians take each other's ideas?

Published: June 8, 2017, 2:55 a.m.

b"Emma Reilly has 10 finalists, voted on by the people of Hamilton, for the title of Hamilton's City Dish. Do you agree with this of finalists? Which dish is iconic for our city?\\n\\nGuest: Emma Reilly, reporter with The Hamilton Spectator\\n\\n-\\n\\n10 years ago tonight, The Hamilton Bulldogs won their first Calder Cup. This was the last time Hamilton earned a professional hockey championship.\\n\\nGuest: Ajay Baines, the former Hamilton Bulldog who scored the Calder Cup-winning goal against the Hershey Bears\\n\\n-\\n\\nAre the Liberals stealing the NDP's ideas, and is this a bad thing?\\n\\nHenry Jacek: Political Science Professor at McMaster University"