What's with having pointless meetings? Is it good the average Canadian doesn't know much about our supreme justices? & Is the CFL ever going to expand east?

Published: March 17, 2023, 3:47 a.m.

b"We've all been in meetings that seem to have no point or purpose. Why have them to begin with? Would businesses be the same without them?\\nGuest: Vijay Pereira, Professor of International & Strategic Human Capital Management, NEOMA Business School\\n-\\nJustice Russell Brown of the Supreme Court of Canada has found himself embroiled in a scandal but that doesn't seem to have been put him at the forefront of every conversation around the country. Actually most Canadians likely don't know that he is a judge for the Supreme Court of Canada to begin with. Is it good that Canadians aren't super aware of everything Supreme Court?\\nGuest: Philip Slayton, Author of Mighty Judgment: How The Supreme Court of Canada Runs Your Life & former lawyer\\n-\\nThere have been rumblings about the CFL expanding to Atlantic Canada but are we ever actually going to see it come to fruition? What needs to be done before it can even get underway properly?\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor, CHCH-TV"