What's the most important perk a company can offer to an employee in 2019? The renovations on the J.L. Grightmire Market Street Arena turned into a lengthy process. Do you believe in Bigfoot?

Published: Aug. 29, 2019, 2:11 a.m.

b"What's the most important perk a company can offer to an employee in 2019? Bill Gates says that the ability to work remotely is the biggest benefit. Scott is joined by Nick Bontis to discuss what employees are looking for.\\n\\nGuest: Nick Bontis, Speaker and Management Consultant\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe renovations on the J.L. Grightmire Market Street Arena turned into a lengthy process. Don Robertson is joining @radleyatthespec tonight to share the details of the renovation.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Dundas Real McCoys\\n\\n-\\n\\nDo you believe in Bigfoot? Author, John Zada joins @radleyatthespec to discuss his new book exploring the theories of the mysterious monster.\\n\\nGuest: John Zada, Author of \\u201cIn the Valleys of the Noble Beyond: In Search of the Sasquatch\\u201d"