What's happening to Swoop Airlines? Should youth soccer referees start wearing body cams? & AI will bring back the Beatles... sort of

Published: June 15, 2023, 1:26 a.m.

b"Hamilton's international airport has seen Swoop planes gracing it's runways but that doesn't sound like it'll be the case for much longer. Has the ultra-low-cost airline failed or is it growing into something larger?\\nGuest: Marvin Ryder, Professor with the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University\\n-\\nHave things gotten so bad that youth soccer referees will need to start wearing body cameras to capture the aggressiveness of parents? It sure sounds like it.\\nGuest: Neil Lumsden, Hamilton East-Stoney Creek MPP and Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport\\n-\\nAI will allow us to hear new Beatles music despite the fact that two band members are dead. Is AI enough to bring back the Beatles we know and love?\\nGuest: Alan Cross, Host of the Ongoing History of New Music"