What's got so many Canadians so riled up? & Apparently Bono isn't much of a U2 fan

Published: Jan. 21, 2022, 3:44 a.m.

b"For a country that's generally known to be populated with nice people, there sure are a lot of angry Canadians but what exactly are they so upset about?\\n\\nGuest: John Wright, Executive Vice President, Maru Public Opinion\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe all have things that we look back at and think about how we would have changed the way we did something and that includes celebrities. In a recent interview Bono, of U2 fame, talked about how he doesn't like the band's name nor most of the songs they've put out. Could this be him looking for a little bit of an ego stroke by fans? Also, U2 can't possibly be one of the worst names for a band... right?\\n\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Publicist, Music Commentator & Shameless Idealist"