What will happen next with Trudeau and the groping allegations he's facing? Is Hamilton's mayor going to face some serious competition in the upcoming election? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: July 4, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

b'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has responded to allegations that he groped a young female reporter at a music festival in 2000 by saying he doesn\'t remember any "negative interactions". This story has been picking up traction because of Trudeau\'s stance as a feminist, as well as his zero tolerance" approach to sexual misconduct allegations within the Liberal party.What\'s likely to happen with this story moving forward?Guest: Tim Harper, National Affairs columnist with The Toronto Star, column:: "On groping allegation, Trudeau ducks the rules he set"-Vito Sgro is about to enter the mayoral race in Hamilton\'s upcoming municipal election. As a former Liberal campaign manager and a chartered accountant, he seems to be the first legitimate competition that Mayor Fred Eisenberger is likely to face. He also has taken a very strong anti-LRT stance.Guest: Vito Sgro,\\xa0Partner, CBM Chartered Accountants-It was an incredibly busy Canada Day long weekend in the world of sports, and Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys joins Scott to talk about some of the biggest stories - including, of course, John Tavares\' signing with the Toronto Maple Leafs and LeBron James joining the Lakers\' lineup.'