What went wrong with the City's attempted tiny shelter meeting? Why must Poilievre reject the Conservative's transphobic policies? Is Canada too easy when sentencing or is the US too harsh? & Do we know the true story of JFK's assassination?

Published: Sept. 13, 2023, 2:21 a.m.

b"A meeting that was supposed to held to get public input on tiny shelters had to be cancelled which turned the already tumultuous topic into an even larger debacle. What went wrong?\\nGuest: John Best, Publisher of The Bay Observer\\n-\\nThere seems to be a transphobic slant that's being taken by the Conservative party and Justin Ling says it's time for Pierre Poilievre to reject those policies.\\nGUEST: Justin Ling is a freelance investigative journalist and writes the Bug-eyed and Shameless newsletter\\n-\\nIs\\xa0our justice system being too soft when you look at Danny Masterson\\u2019s rape crimes compared to what he would\\u2019ve got in Canada?\\nGUEST: Jeff Manishen, Criminal Lawyer, Ross & McBride; Former Crown Attorney\\n-\\nA Secret Service agent who was there on the day that JFK was assassinated has broken his silence and challenged the current theories as to what happened on that fateful day.\\nGUEST: Jason Opal, Professor in Department of History and Classical Studies with McGill University"