What to expect as the end of the federal election nears & Ben's Story of the Day

Published: Sept. 21, 2021, 1:24 a.m.

b"As we approach closing time for the polls, Scott is joined by someone who might be able to help shine some light on where we're at going into the final hours of the 2021 federal election.\\n\\nGuest: Kate Harrison, Vice Chair, Summa Strategies\\n\\n-\\n\\nToday's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) Baby showers are supposed to be full of joy and celebration however this one took a turn for the worst. How bad can a gift be that a family goes from celebrating a baby shower to gun-slinging?\\n\\n2) There is no reason to hold up a 911 phone operator but apparently this guy isn't smart enough to know that because he felt the need to keep calling 911 simply because he needed to make it known that he's tired.\\n\\n3) Many guys have tried to measure their privates but few have tried to do it with a USB cord with even fewer anchoring from the inside. Thank you modern medicine for being able to fix stupidity.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?"