What support is given to Canadian jurors who face traumatic evidence and is it enough? & What changes have come to the cruise industry to combat the spread of COVID-19?

Published: Sept. 2, 2020, 2:18 a.m.

b'On this day, 25-years-ago, Paul Bernardo was convicted and sentenced to prison. His crimes did more than just impact the lives of his victims but also the lives of the jurors who convicted him. One of those jurors wants to make sure that jurors are provided help so they can deal with the traumatic and damaging evidence they are sometimes faced with. Has any progress been made?\\n\\nGuest: Tina Daenzer, COO & CFO of The Canadian Juries Commission & Juror in the R. v. Bernardo trial\\n\\n-\\n\\nAs winter approaches many people start planning out a winter vacation which sometimes involves a cruise line. Considering COVID-19 pretty much shut down cruise liners, what changes have been made and how can cruising be something we can enjoy while staying safe?\\n\\nGuest: Sherry Laskin, cruise and travel writer, podcaster and creator of cruisemaven.com & contributor to Cruise Radio'