What role do deep fakes play in the invasion of Ukraine? & A Hamilton man's journey to the Ukrainian border to rescue friend's 7-year-old sister

Published: March 18, 2022, 3:17 a.m.

b"A video of Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, was circulating for a bit until people started realizing that it was actually a deep fake, a video that was created by a computer. Whenever the topic of deep fakes was brought up in the past, the severity of what could be done with it was often overlooked. Is that still the case and could we be seeing more deep fakes of not just Ukraine's president but many other major political and cultural figures?\\n\\nGuest: Siwei Lyu, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Director, UB Media Forensic Lab & Founding Co-Director, Center for Information Integrity, University at Buffalo, State University of New York\\n\\n-\\n\\nHow far would you go to help a friend? For a Hamilton man, that means traveling to the Polish-Ukrainian border to find and take care of a 7-year-old girl while her brother, his friend, can fight and defend Ukraine. How did this truly amazing story start and how is it currently going?\\n\\nGuest: Wyatt Raitt"