What prompted this Brock University student to take Gabby to prom? What goes into preparing for a national spelling bee? Can you guess these celebrity voices?

Published: June 5, 2019, 1:49 a.m.

b"Doctors said Gabby wouldn't live to see her 2nd birthday but she's now 21 and graduating high school. Her mom wanted to make sure she went with someone who sees Gabby for who she really is so she sent out a video request on Facebook. What about the video drew Zack in and made him want to be her date?\\n\\nGuest: Zack Bowman, Brock University student\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0Shannon Horner-Shepherd, Gabby's mom\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe Scripps Spelling Bee is an annual spelling bee that's held in the US and this year, a girl from Burlington made it all the way to the final round. What goes into preparing for a spell bee of this magnitude and is there anything this 13-year-old can't spell?\\n\\nGuest: Enya Hubers, Scripps Spelling Bee contestant\\n\\n-\\n\\nYou can almost always tell a celebrity by the way they look but what about the way the sound? Many big celebrities are lending their voices for commercials and Scott wants to know, can you guess these celebrity voices?"