What kind of flu season can we expect this year? Should we start calling the Hamilton mountain 'uptown Hamilton'? Are bottles of wine worth thousands of dollars really worth it?

Published: Nov. 12, 2020, 3:46 a.m.

b"This year's flu season is looking to be a small blip on the radar likely thanks to COVID-19 precautions. Should we keep the mask wearing, physical distancing and more even after COVID-19?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Ahmad Firas Khalid, Health Policy PhD graduate and Queen Elizabeth Scholar in Strengthening Health Systems\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhere would you consider uptown Hamilton to be? Some people are making the switch from calling it the Hamilton mountain to uptown Hamilton but why would that be? Could it be Torontonians moving here and trying to change things or just some people trying make Hamilton sound a little more upscale? Does the mountain need rebranding? Scott opens up the phone lines and talks to a local real estate agent to find an answer to all these questions and more.\\n\\nGuest: Krysta Boyer, Commercial Real Estate Agent, BBS Realty\\n\\n-\\n\\nJust about everyone falls into the category of people who can't tell the difference between a $10,000 bottle of wine and a $10 bottle of wine. Despite this, many people try to pretend as if they do and are sure to like something if they're told it's expensive. Why is this and is a $10,000 bottle really worth it?\\n\\nGuest: Britt Dixon, Winery Media/PR consultant"