What is the link between heavy cannabis use and schizophrenia in American men? What's the point of having so many consultants for Hamilton's Farmers' Market? & So many Halls of Fame, so many snubbed people

Published: May 10, 2023, 2:25 a.m.

b"A study out of the US has found that 3 in 10 men between 21 & 30 who heavily use cannabis have developed signs of schizophrenia. What could be causing this and isn't cannabis supposed to be something that isn't addictive?\\nGuest: Dr. James MacKillop, Director of the Peter Boris Centre for Addictions Research at McMaster University\\n-\\nThe Hamilton Farmers' Market has had many consultants take a look at making changes to it. Why? What is being gained from all of these studies and do we really need them?\\nGuest: Jason Farr, Host, Hammer Down with Jay & Mike & former Ward 2 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n-\\nThere are plenty Halls of Fame and with them comes a litany of snubbed people/groups. Don't believe that, take a look at the Country Hall of Fame, Canadian Music Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. So many people should be in these halls while others shouldn't be anywhere near them and yet, here we are.\\nGuest: Eric\\xa0Alper, Publicist and Music Commentator"