What is supply management and why does it matter? Should Veterans Affairs pay for a convicted murderers therapy? And Bubba ONeil

Published: Aug. 30, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

b'Supply Management has been brought up over and over again in the discussion surrounding NAFTA and trade with the U.S. But Scott has found that many people do not have much of an idea of what supply management is. So Marvin Ryder has been brought in to explain it.Guest: Marvin Ryder, of the DeGroote School of Business-Christopher Garnier has been convicted of second degree murder for strangling an off-duty police officer during what he claims was consensual sex. He says that he has developed post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of this experience. Now Veterans Affairs has begun paying for Garnier\\u2019s therapy, which has upset many people.Guest: Phil McColeman, MP for Brantford Brant, and Shadow Minister for Veteran\\u2019s Affairs-Scott bring three strange stories to the table: a robber with questionable priorities, the moment a young doctor learn whether they have what it takes to work in the medical field, and an example of why it is important to remember pop culture references. Which is the best bizarre true story of the night?-Bubba O\\u2019Neil and Scott break down news from this week in sports, and discuss the validity of tough coaching tactics as well as what the NHL needs to become more popular in the U.S., and more.'