What happens once interest rates are high enough to control inflation? & Are modern day sports getting too hard to referee?

Published: Feb. 1, 2023, 3:13 a.m.

b"Once interest rates rise enough to control inflation, do we lower them again? In other words, are we ever going back to the way things were?\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor of Macroeconomics, Toronto Metropolitan University\\n-\\nSocial media has not been kind to the NFL officials from last weekend to the point that #NFLrigged has been trending on Twitter. By most accounts, it was a mess. And it wasn't just these games. It's been a mess a lot lately. Are officials getting worse or is the job simply getting too hard?\\nGuest: Ron Foxcroft, CEO of Fluke Transport, Creator of the FOX40 whistle, Author of \\u201840 Ways of the Fox\\u2019, Member of the Order of Canada, Former Basketball Referee"