What happens on the police side of murder? Should we absolutely love every law? Is it more 'Hockey Night in Toronto' than 'Hockey Night in Canada'?

Published: Oct. 11, 2019, 1:18 a.m.

b"Nearly everyone has heard about the murder of Devan Selvy but what's going on behind the scenes. What would the police be doing as a story like this unfolds? Is it the kind of case that a detective wants coming across their desk?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Arnold, Retired Hamilton Police Service Major Crimes & Homicide Detective\\n\\n-\\n\\nNot everyone loves every single law in the Canadian Criminal Code and that's alright. Some people might argue that's the way it should be but a quote from Justin Trudeau has him saying otherwise. What do you think?\\n\\n-\\n\\nIt's called 'Hockey Night in Canada' but is it really? A column says it's more like 'Hockey Night in Toronto' and could that be causing problems for the other Canadian teams?\\n\\nGuest: Chris Zelkovich, Sports Media Writer"