What do you want out of a house during a pandemic? Would you redraw the lines across North America?

Published: Aug. 26, 2020, 2:47 a.m.

b'Working at home has allowed people to spend more time in their house and in turn, asking more from it. Yards, offices, pools and more are all being sought after and as such, this will have an impact on the real estate market. Scott speaks with a local real estate agent to get a glimpse into the market through his eyes.\\n\\nGuest: Rob Golfi, Real Estate Agent, The Rob Golfi Team, Remax Realty\\n\\n-\\n\\nImagine you were given the opportunity to completely redraw the borders and boundaries of North America however you choose. Would you redo them along party lines so the supporters of every party have their own territory for them to control? Would you have a certain number of each party control different areas? Or would you change anything at all? Could there be an answer to this question that would help in an increasingly divided world?\\n\\nGuest: Brian Giesbrecht, Senior Fellow, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, retired Manitoba provincial judge'