What can we do about students who are constantly missing school? & How can we increase people's social media literacy?

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 3:34 a.m.

b"Why are we seeing so many students suffering from chronic abenteeism at school? How does this impact grades? Can we fix it or is this something that will be temporary and eventually fade away?\\nGuest: Dr. Paul Bennett, Founding Director and Lead Researcher, Schoolhouse Institute\\n-\\nA joke tweet from PGA golfer Mackenzie Hughes revealed a lot about people, the most glaring of which is that many only read the first few lines before coming to a conclusion and moving on. The answer was in the tweet and yet so many didn't bother to read that far. How can we teach people to read everything before drawing a conclusion? Should this be taught early on in childhood? Can you even effectively teach critical thinking?\\nGuest: Matthew Johnson, Director of Education, MediaSmarts"