What are our concerns a week away from legal recreational marijuana in Canada? Why would three scholars write 20 fake papers for major academic publications? & Sports Talk with Bubba O'Neil

Published: Oct. 11, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

b'We\'re a week away from recreational marijuana being legal in Canada, and there seems to be a sudden spike in last minute concerns about the impact on health, impaired driving, and other issues. Tomorrow, a roundtable discussion will be held in Hamilton that will address these concerns.Guest: Dr. James MacKillop, clinical psychologist, addictions expert and co-director of the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Medical Cannabis Research-How far would you go for a prank in academia? Three scholars spent 10 months writing 20 absurd papers parodying and imitating what they call "grievance studies" and submitted them to major academic journals. Of those 20 papers, seven of those were accepted.Why would someone do this and what did these scholars learn from this prank?Guest: James Lindsay, author and mathematician-Scott is joined by CHCH\'s Bubba O\'Neil for their usual sports chat, including the consequences of critcizing referees and why\\xa0Team Canada goaltender Mark Visentin became the team\'s fall guy during their loss to Team Russia in the 2011 world junior championship.'