Was Trudeau's throne speech good enough? Do you get offended by 'Merry Christmas'? What does the future hold for the Toronto Blue Jays?

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 2:12 a.m.

b"Justin Trudeau delivered the throne speech today outlining what his government is going to do throughout its time in power. Not too many people were blown away by what was said. Will we actually see anything get done? Was the throne speech good enough?\\n\\nGuest: Peter Graefe, Professor of Political Science at McMaster University\\n\\n-\\n\\nA letter from MP Bob Bratina to his constituents, wished a good December. Is wishing someone a Merry Christmas offensive even if it's being said with good intentions? Does it offend you?\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhat does the future hold for the higher ups of the Toronto Blue Jays? Will there be a superstar player coming to the Jays as they keep saying? Scott asks Bubba O'Neil to get his take.\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH"