Tom's Story of the Day - Ironic bumper stickers, sexy cow photos, & unorthidox guitar

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 2:51 a.m.

b'Today\'s edition of Tom\'s Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) Ironic bumper stickers are weird, enjoyable to read and when put in context can give you a good laugh. For example, if your sticker says "I\'m not drunk", maybe don\'t drink and drive.\\n\\n2) Are algorithm\'s perfect? Not in the case of this story of an ad agency selling stock photos. Facebook clearly doesn\'t have one, or else some photos wouldn\'t be flagged as sexual or adult in nature.\\n\\n3) What happens when someone dies? They get a funeral, maybe buried, possibly cremated. What about when your religion doesn\'t allow cremation? Well, this guy\'s nephew knew exactly what to do.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Tom\'s Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?'