Three vocal champions of LRT leave Hamilton City Council, And is Kawhi Leonard good for the Raptors?

Published: July 19, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

b"Four seats have opened up for Hamilton City Council, making room for potentially new perspectives. What does this mean for the race, and how might the future of Light Rail Transit in Hamilton be affected?\\n\\nGuest: Brad Clark, Principal at Maple Leaf Strategies\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe Hamilton Bulldogs head coach, John Gruden, has left the team to join the New York Islanders. When Steve Staios first hired Gruden, he went off the beaten path, and it worked out very well for the team. How will he handle the search for a new head coach this time, and will lighting strike twice?Guest: Teri Pecoskie, Bulldogs Beat Writer for the Hamilton Spectator\\n\\n-\\n\\nBubba O'Neil debates Scott on whether the Toronto Raptors were right to trade\\xa0DeMar DeRozan to San Antonio in exchange for\\xa0 Kawhi Leonard. What do you think of the move?"