The Scott Radley Show Podcast - What does Creed Bratton put into his live show? Where is Ontario's taxpayer money REALLY going? Is mafia activity on the rise?

Published: Dec. 6, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

b"Billions of tax dollars go to the Ontario government every year. Regardless of what party is in power, the Auditor General's report is almost always less than flattering as they often detail mismanagement and excessive spending of taxpayers' money. Why does this keep happening and what needs to be done in order to stop it from continuing?\\n\\nGuest: Christine Van Geyn, Ontario Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe've heard about the reports of the murder of Angelo Musitano and now the conviction of Domenico Violi. The two men with alleged ties to organized crime are starting to stir up questions about whether mafia activity is on the rise. A man who's won awards for his writing about crime joins Scott to explain what's been happening and where things in the criminal underworld could be going.\\n\\nGuest: James Dubro, award-winning crime writer\\n\\n-\\n\\nHe's done more than just play a character of the same name on The Office, Creed Bratton's also a musician and host of his very own live show. That very show is coming to Hamilton. Scott caught up with Creed to talk about what goes into the show, his musical background and his time on The Office.\\n\\nGuest: Creed Bratton, Musician and Actor"