The LRT has been delayed again! Who's been inducted into the Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame? Does stress and poor diet have the same effect on your body?

Published: Oct. 18, 2017, 2:02 a.m.

b"The LRT has been debated from nearly every possible angle which has slowed things down and it's happened again! This time, the LRT hasn't been delayed by City Council but by the Government of Ontario! Is the LRT ever going to be completed?-This time of year is wonderful for sports fans in Hamilton. The Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame has announced the class of 2017 and among them is former NHL defenceman, Ric Nattress. Scott caught up with Ric to get an idea of what it's like to be inducted into Hamilton's Sports Hall of Fame and his story that led him there.\\xa0\\n\\nGuest: Ric Nattress, former NHL defenceman-There has been a study done on the relation between poor diet and stress's effect on your body. Dr. Laura Bridgewater joins Scott to explain her findings, what they mean and what we can do to help take better care of our bodies and more specifically, our stomaches. Could removing stress from your life actually help you lose weight?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Laura Bridgewater, Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Biology at Brigham Young University"