The future of the Delta high school building, New declassified JFK assassination information & Brian McFarlane, a legend from your TV screen and books, joins Scott

Published: Dec. 16, 2021, 4:57 a.m.

b"What do you do when you've got an old building with beautiful architecture that's no longer being used? Put housing in it!\\n\\nGuest: Graham Cubitt, Director of Projects and Development, Indwell\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe were expecting a treasure trove of information to be released by the US government regarding the assassination of JFK but instead, we got an information dump (and not the good kind). What was, and wasn't, released and why did the feds change course on what would be declassified?\\n\\nGuest: Jefferson Morley, Journalist & Blogger,\\n\\n-\\n\\nLegendary sports broadcaster and author Brian McFarlane joins Scott to talk about just about everything. After all, it isn't every day that you get to talk with someone this prominent from your childhood.\\n\\nGuest: Brian McFarlane, Legendary TV sports broadcaster, Author, A Helluva Life In Hockey"