Should you be able to vote but not live in Canada? Fringe political parties getting the same coverage as the others? Could Donald Trump be right about this? Can visiting 30 ballparks in 30 days be done?

Published: March 21, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

b"The Supreme Court will hear arguments tomorrow about whether Canadian who've been out of the country for years should have the right to vote. Basically, the question is, should someone who doesn't live here anymore help choose our leadership? Or if you're once a Canadian, you're always a Canadian.\\n\\nGuest: Allan Nichols, President of Canadian Expat Association-\\n\\nThere are other parties running in the provincial election. The guest is running for the None of the Above Party in Hamilton. But should fringe parties get seats at all-candidates meetings and time in discussion of policy or does that just complicate things?\\n\\nGuest: Linda Chenoweth, None of the Above Party MPP Candidate-President Donald Trump proposed that teachers be armed in American schools and despite this being poorly received by many, it appears to have worked. A school shooting in Maryland was stopped by someone armed from within the school. Could Donald Trump be right?-\\n\\nForbes just rated Rogers Centre as one of the worst major league ballparks. Is it? Two guys who visited all 30 parks in 30 days and then wrote a great book about it (I Don't Care If We Ever Get Back) answer that.\\n\\nGuest: Ben Blatt & Eric Brewster, Co-authors of I Don't Care If We Ever Get Back"