Should we keep paying for repairs to FirstOntario Centre? Has #MeToo gone too far? Would you pay thousands for a prop from your favourite show or movie?

Published: Dec. 5, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

b"The FirstOntario Centre is getting old, there's no getting around that. Now that a new city council has been sworn in, they'll have to deal with the new upkeep costs that the arena will need. With the repairs getting more and more expensive, should they keep fixing it or have a new one built?\\n\\nGuest: Lloyd Ferguson, Ward 12 Councillor\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe #MeToo movement has gained enough traction to have radio stations across North America pull the 1944 song 'Baby It's Cold Outside', from the air. Activists say the song is about date rape and sexual assault but is it really? Do you feel things are going too far? Scott opens the phone lines to find out what you think.\\n\\n-\\n\\nHollywood has produced numerous successful movies and TV shows that have resonated with audiences around the world. Props from those productions sometimes hold significant value and their price tags are showing it. An auction house in California is auctioning off thousands of memorabilia like Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope and the knives from Rambo: First Blood. Would you pay thousands of dollars to own a prop from your favourite show or movie?\\n\\nGuest: Brian Chanes, Head of Acquisitions at Profiles in History"