Should we just pay unions whatever they want? Does religion have a place in Canadian politics? Where's the line between a coach being hard vs. abusive?

Published: Dec. 3, 2019, 3:04 a.m.

b"Only one pocket feeds the money that's used to pay teachers and public sector workers. That pocket is the taxpayer's and yet still unions are threatening strikes because they're not getting paid enough by the government. Where do you think the government gets its money from? How much longer can this go on for?\\n\\nGuest: Jasmine Pickel, Ontario Communications Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation\\n\\n-\\n\\nAn Angus Reid poll asked Canadians if there's a place for people who identify with and practice as part of an organized religion. Some have said that being a person of faith would repel them from a candidate. Does religion have a place in Canadian politics?\\n\\nGuest: Ray Pennings, Co-Founder and Executive Vice-President of Cardus\\n\\n-\\n\\nThere are some changes that are underway in the sports world. Where does the line get drawn between a coach being really hard and disciplinary towards their athletes and a coach being abusive towards their players? What about between players on the same team or opposing? Scott talks with Neil Lumsden about this and more.\\n\\nGuest: Neil Lumsden, Grey Cup champion, former Athletic Director of Brock University & Amazing Race Canada Contestant"