Should the Hamilton Police Service start using body cameras? Who should replace Don Cherry? Could the end of human actors be coming?

Published: Nov. 14, 2019, 2:11 a.m.

b"The Hamilton Police Service has recommended against the introduction of a pilot program for body cameras. There are points for and against but there's no denying that this will cost a lot of money to implement. Are body cameras worth trying or will they be doing nothing more than remove privacy?\\n\\nGuest: Clint Twolan, President of the Hamilton Police Association\\n\\n-\\n\\nEveryone knows about or at least has heard that Don Cherry has been fired. The question now stands, who should replace him? Should Coach's Corner be scrapped altogether?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Sports Director at Global News Radio 900 CHML\\n\\n-\\n\\nJames Dean is back from the dead! Or at least you'd think that if you go to see a movie that's set to come out called, 'Finding Jack'. Should actors be fearing for their jobs or is this just a gimmick?\\n\\nGuest: Robert Thompson, Director of the Bleier Centre for Television and Popular Culture"