Should politicians say exactly what they mean? Is "not being a math person" real? The real history of the Zamboni

Published: Oct. 24, 2019, 1:29 a.m.

b'After taking a look at what the federal candidates were and weren\'t saying throughout the election, it was interesting to see how some of the candidates seemed to pull punches and never fully say what they wanted to while others did say what they want and it turned out favourably for them. Should politicians just say what they mean regardless of it may offend someone? Also, how long will the new Liberal minority government last?\\n\\nGuest: Stephen LeDrew, commentator & former president of the Liberal party\\n\\n-\\n\\nYou\'ve likely heard the phrase, "I\'m just not a math person," as the reason for someone not being good at math or for stopping attempts at getting better at it altogether. How true is that phrase and could there be a link between it and the reason why some countries seem to develop people who excel in school?\\n\\nGuest: Vanessa Vakharia, author, podcaster and founder of \'The Math Guru\'\\n\\n-\\n\\nEveryone has come to know and love the Zamboni. Synonymous with skating, hockey and the ice rink as a whole, this machine\'s history might take you to some surprising places that aren\'t just in Canada.\\n\\nGuest: Eric Dregni, author of \'Zamboni: The Coolest Machines on Ice\''