Reading federal party leaders' body language & Who will be paying for our growing national debt?

Published: Sept. 10, 2021, 2:54 a.m.

b"Tonight's debate between the leaders of Canada's federal parties will see a lot of words get exchanged but that doesn't always dictate what message gets portrayed. Scott speaks with someone to help explain what different signs mean and what to watch for during tonight's debate.\\n\\nGuest: Robyn Braley, Brand Specialist, Unimark Creative; Blogger; Body Language Interpreter\\n\\n-\\n\\nPolitical candidates will often promise new things that cost money however we don't seem to have any candidates that want to cut back on things to lighten the national debt. If we don't cut back on the national debt, who will pay for it?\\n\\nGuest: Jake Fuss, Senior Economist, Fraser Institute"